Should You Drink Ketones as Part of Your Keto Diet?

Should You Drink Ketones as Part of Your Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as the “keto” diet, consists of eating foods that are rich in fat and low in carbohydrates, such as eggs, nuts, berries, and vegetables. This diet is currently fairly popular across the world, and ketogenic aficionados will find a plethora of bestseller culinary books, recipe websites, and keto-friendly vitamins and drinks on the market.

What Is the Keto Diet and How Does It Work?

By limiting your carbohydrate consumption, you can assist your body to enter a new condition known as ketosis, in which you burn fat for energy rather than carbs. The breakdown of fat in ketosis results in ketones, which are fatty acid byproducts. When you need energy for everything from severe exercise to thinking (since the brain is a muscle that requires energy to operate), ketones are used instead of carbs when your carb reserve is depleted. This may result in fat and weight reduction.

People frequently give up and return to their previous eating habits due to the difficulties of staying in ketosis (since your body naturally desires carbohydrates for stamina). Some people may follow a non-strict keto weight-loss strategy that involves eating a limited amount of carbohydrates and sweets. Furthermore, keto devotees may add ketone supplements to their diet, such as ketone beverages, to help them stay in ketosis when willpower alone isn’t enough.

Are Ketone Drinks Controlled?

Ketone drinks are not controlled by the industry. It should be noted that, under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act, as modified by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994, dietary supplement organizations, such as those that offer ketones supplements, do not need FDA clearance before releasing their products to the public. We don’t know if ketone beverages are safe and effective to consume because of this lack of regulation. Only consume them after conducting your research and reading genuine product testimonies.

Types of Ketones

Ketone esters are the most potent of the ketone supplements and may maintain your body in ketosis for a longer period than other varieties. H.V.M.N. Ketone Ester is a well-known brand. The price of this product is an issue—a three-pack costs $99. You may also wish to try a more flavored drink or meal chaser to wash down a ketone ester drink due to its harsh, unpleasant taste.

Ketone salts are available in liquid form. Manufacturers frequently add electrolytes to the beverage (since a keto diet can induce dehydration due to a lack of water-dense meals), as well as potassium and calcium, to increase its nutritional content. Ketone salt drinks can induce ketosis, although they do not stay as long as ketone ester.

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Based on Research

Researchers have examined ketone esters and ketone salts in light of the widespread interest in inducing ketosis as a result of multiple accounts of compelling and substantial weight loss. Researchers investigated the impact of ketones on metabolism in an October 2017 article published in Frontiers in Physiology. Fifteen people drank drinks containing ketone esters or ketone salts. The results revealed that with either kind, all subjects achieved ketosis, and the researchers concluded that “exogenous ketone beverages are a feasible, efficacious strategy to achieve ketosis.”

This research, on the other hand, had a small sample size. In a Cell Metabolism study published in July 2016, researchers administered a group of expert cyclists ketones esters at rest and an equivalent quantity of ketone esters throughout 45 minutes of riding exercise. In order to compare these three groups, they also offered different carb- and fat-rich beverages to two other groups.

The elite cyclists who drank the ketone beverage cycled 400 metres farther than the other two groups, according to the results. This is hardly a significant gain, but it is one nonetheless. Researchers from Cell Metabolism found that ketones can aid endurance athletes in three ways: as an energy source during exercises, by enhancing athletic performance by around 2%, and by lowering lactic acid.

However, not all research reach the same result. A second study published in Frontiers in Physiology in October 2017 reported the opposite results: athletes performed worse after ingesting a ketone drink. (However, unlike previous similar research, the athletes did not consume the popular H.V.M.N. beverage.)

In this study, 11 top cyclists used a ketones supplement before to workout. Their bodies did enter ketosis, but they did so two percent slower than the control group. Furthermore, the elite riders had gastrointestinal disturbance, such as acid reflux and nausea. Even one of the riders stopped out of the activity because he was dizzy and vomited. Again, the study had a limited number of participants, and further research is needed to provide more conclusive conclusions for the general population.


Consuming a ketones drink can result in any of the following issues, and you should consult with a medical expert before starting a keto diet.

  • Digestive and stomach difficulties are examples of gastrointestinal issues.
  • Electrolyte abnormalities can occur because certain ketogenic drinks include additional electrolytes. If you follow a keto diet, you need to drink enough water to avoid dehydration.
  • Blood pressure that is too high
  • Weakness and tiredness as a result of a lack of carbohydrates for energy


The majority of research demonstrate that ketones drinks can assist supplement a keto diet positively. However, you must be cautious about which brands you take because you may encounter stomach difficulties and dehydration.


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